Tribally owned. Federally recognized. 8(a)-designated.

Comanche Nation Enterprises, Inc. (CNE) is a federally chartered corporation, wholly owned by the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma. We provide our entities a robust suite of shared services including management consulting, accounting and financial services, business development and bid/proposal development, contracts administration, human resources, marketing and other office and administrative services.

Our Mission

Our mission is to establish economic development strategies and pursue activities aimed at diversifying and expanding the tribe’s business portfolio to create economic independence for the Nation.

Our Vision

To mentor tribal entrepreneurs and future business leaders, create well paying local jobs, and ensure a highly skilled tribal workforce for the future.

Our Values

  • Integrity 
  • Transparency 
  • Stewardship 
  • Trust
Comanche Nation Enterprises Inc.
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Board of Directors

Mr. Mike Keahbone, Chair
Mr. Stephen Lee, Vice-Chair
Mr. Noble Paddyaker, Secretary
Mr. Steven Riley Mowatt, Treasurer
Mr. Jordan Fox, Member
Mr. Edward Tahhahwah III, Member