FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 29, 2024 - The National Telecommunications and Information Association (NTIA) is the Executive Branch agency that is principally responsible for advising the President on telecommunications and information policy issues. NTIA’s programs and policymaking focus largely on expanding broadband Internet access and adoption in America, expanding the use of spectrum by all users, and ensuring that the Internet remains an engine for continued innovation and economic growth. Specific NTIA activities include: The purpose of the NTIA broadband planning grant is to improve the quality of life, spur economic development and commercial activity, create opportunities for remote employment and online entrepreneurship, remote learning, and telehealth.
The Comanche Nation through Comanche WWW.COMANCHENATIONENTERPRISES.COM Press Release Managing the Federal use of spectrum and identifying additional spectrum for commercial use; Administering grant programs that further the deployment and use of broadband and other technologies in America; Developing policy on issues related to the Internet economy, including online privacy, copyright protection, cybersecurity, and the global free flow of information online; Promoting the stability and security of the Internet’s domain name system through its participation on behalf of the U.S. government in Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) activities; and Performing cutting-edge telecommunications research and engineering with both Federal government and private sector partners. Nation Enterprises, Inc., proposes a project to complete preliminary engineering and design of a broadband infrastructure network on Tribal lands that includes middle and last mile fiber, as well as, interconnection and development of a robust backhaul connection to a major hub. The equitable funding will be utilized for design; the Comanche Nation intends to apply for additional funding for construction and deployment in the future, should any additional funding become available.
The Comanche Nation will design a multi-conduit, underground FTTH system of a projected 190 total miles. The intent of the design is to include one run of fiber, as well as establish capacity to future-proof, to the extent feasible, the system and allow for additional carriers to provide redundancy and competitive, affordable options for users. The Comanche Nation has formed a partnership with the Olsson Engineering firm, a consultant who will explore utilizing underground conduit for the entire system will aid reliability and connects areas where aerial or wireless access is not feasible due to topography or overloaded existing utility aerial easements.
The outcome is to complete the planning and design of the broadband infrastructure while securing additional funds of $46.6 million to construct the broadband infrastructure. Rodney Martin, Design Technical Manger for Olsson, first began working with CNE on the broadband initiative for the Comanche Nation in 2022 and continues to work closely with CNE CEO Marlon Stevens. " It’s incredibly exciting to be one step closer to securing broadband for The Comanche Nation," Martin said. "I’m honored to partner with passionate stakeholders who are committed to supporting the tribe’s vision for enhanced connectivity, economic development and improved quality of life. I look forward to continuing this important work that will positively impact many communities far into the future." Comanche Nation Enterprises, Inc.’s plan of action includes closing out and submitting reports for the initial NTIA grant to be eligible for the next stage of grant funding.
CNE will continue to work with Olsson in the design of the infrastructure on tribal lands with the goal of establishing a broadband internet company owned by the Comanche Nation, which will provide internet access and job opportunities for the tribal members, and an eventual revenue stream for the Nation.